Just a Nurse

This was really encouraging to me this morning, to all of you nurses out there! (And all of my beloved friends who may not understand what it is that I do, and am studying to continue to do well.) =) Blessings.

According to Kateri

In the first year of my career as a Registered Nurse I continued my education, wrapping up my Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, not yet a requirement to work as an RN, but a well worth it continuation of a degree to make you a more well-rounded, and to be honest, respected Nurse. One of the requirements for this degree was a course called “Professional Issues and Trends”. The course explored the profession of nursing, barriers it is facing, and the way that we, as nurses, can change that. I learned many things in that course, but the most important, the thing that has stuck with me the most was this.

A few days into the course, our Professor made one thing very clear; each and every one of us, from that moment on, needed to remove “Just a Nurse” from our vocabulary.

“Are you a Doctor?”

“No, I’m just a…

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